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20 March 2019

Integration of Agriculture and Aquaculture – a key concept for future food production?

SLU Future Food and SLU Aquaculture invites you to an interesting lunch seminar with KSLA Wallenberg Professor Barry Costa-Pierce. Costa-Pierce is an internationally leading scientist in fisheries and aquaculture, who conducts research on the development of sustainable systems for aquaculture from a holistic perspective

Photo by Hanson Lu/ Unsplash

In his talk Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture-Energy Ecosystems at SLU he will focus mainly on lower trophic level freshwater and coastal examples.

Barry Costa-Pierce has a 40-year career in the marine and freshwater sciences. His overall research interest is in ”Ocean Food Systems” – how seafood systems throughout the world; interact with marine/freshwater ecosystems, fisheries, aquaculture, and people.  He often applies a multidisciplinary approach, including ecological, economic and social aspects of sustainability. Professor Costa-Pierce is one of the pioneers of ”Ecological Aquaculture”; he served on the Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) team that developed FAO’s ”Ecosystems Approach to Aquaculture” and ever since has worked on its global to local implementation.

For more information about Barry Costa Pierce and his work Here

Additional info:

Lunch: 11.30-12.00. A light lunch will be served for those who have registered for lunch.

Opening seminar: 12:00-13:00

Discussion: 13:00-14:00

Language: English

Free of charge but registration is mandatory. Register here!

The seminar will be live streamed. Link to live stream/recording.


Från 20 mars 2019 vid 11:30 till 20 mars 2019 vid 14:00


SLU Ultuna, the teaching building, exam hall 2

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