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13 March 2013

Large-Scale Land Investments

Curse or Development Opportunity?

Photo: Melinda Fones Sundell

Photo: Melinda Fones Sundell

The rapidly increasing interest for commercial investments in land for large-scale agricultural production of biofuels, food, feed etc., particularly noticeable in Africa and other developing regions, is by many seen as a “curse” because it risk to deprive local people of their access to land and other natural resources need- ed for their livelihood. Others argue that these investments are required to improve infrastructure, create employment and to foster economic dynamism in rural areas which is needed to combat poverty.
The purpose of this seminar is to explore these different positions and discuss whether the increased inter- est for large-scale agricultural investments also could be a development opportunity for local populations.



Från 13 mars 2013 vid 12:15 till 13 mars 2013 vid 14:00


University of Gothenburg / Handelshögskolan i Göteborg, School of Business, Economics and Law, Vasagatan 1, Room D31




13.15-13.45: Kenneth Hermele, School of Global Studies – GU, will make an introductory presentation. He has rich experience in development economics and recently defended his Ph.D thesis: “Land Matters. Agrofuels, Unequal Exchange and Appropriation of Ecological Space” in Human Ecology at Lund University.

13.45-15.00: The discussion will start with comments by the two discussants: Matthew Fielding, Project Manager at SIANI and Stockholm Environment Institute and Jesper Karlsson, who works with research on international agricultural in- vestment and principles for responsible agricultural investment at the Trade and Markets Division of FAO.