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9 May 2019

Slow Fish Fair 2019

The sea: A common good


Slow Food presents the Slow Fish fair in Genoa. Join the fair and learn more about our sea, how you can eat fish sustainably, and how to be a part of Slow Fish network!  

Fish: It’s a slippery issue. Hidden underwater, our marine resources are not easy to study or understand. What state are our seas in? What fish species are on the verge of extinction? Can we influence the market? Should we stop eating fish? Is there a future for small-scale fishers?

Just when we think land is in sight, we find ourselves out in the open sea again, unsure how to proceed, buffeted by contradictory advice, apocalyptic scenarios and a confusion of expert opinions, no longer sure what matters and what doesn’t, what’s allowable or even safe to eat. But if we stubbornly make the effort to investigate the subject, we can see strong currents of thought starting to form.

Slow Food has been working in the field of sustainable fish for many years, raising awareness among seafood-lovers through the biennial Slow Fish fair in Genoa and developing projects to support responsible artisanal fishing communities.  

Event details 



Från 9 maj 2019 vid 11:10 till 12 maj 2019 vid 20:30


Porto Antico (Old Port) & Piazza Caricamento, Genoa, Italy