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26 August 2018

Working with the flow? Multifunctional landscapes in a changing climate

Event at the World Water Week in Stockholm 2018

Photo by Ollivier Girard, CIFOR

SIANI co-hosts session on water and multifunctional landscapes at the World Water Week 2018 with partners in the SIWI hosted cluster group on landscapes and water. The event will highlight landscape restoration experiences from the South with a focus on integration of water and climate change considerations.

Achieving multifunctionality in degraded Landscape is necessary to meet the Sustainable Development Goals, as restoration can improve livelihoods, and food and water security. There are many different forms of restoration and overlapping approaches, such as sustainable land management, ecological restoration, forest landscape restoration, agroforestry, etc. However, integration of water management aspects whilst building climate change resilience have so far been weak in these different approaches. There are ambitious targets set for land restoration, such as the Bonn challenge (150 million ha under restoration by 2020), and the New York declaration (350 million ha under restoration by 2030). So far, most restoration commitments are from countries in the South. The event will therefore highlight restoration experiences from the South with a focus on integration of water and climate change considerations with examples from the Sahel and Horn of Africa.

The event will discuss what hydrological aspects need to be considered when rehabilitating/restoring a landscape. Governance arrangements will be addressed, which enable and support the productivity of the landscape, minimize the risk of over-exploitation of water and enable agreements between different stakeholders. Topical presentations from practitioners and academics will ground a panel-audience discussion around good practises in target areas of degraded lands.

Programme: Welcome and Introduction (Lotta Samuelson, SIWI/SWH, Linda Hansson, Focali-SIANI)

14.10-14.20 Sustainable use of water in the landscape for productive and multifunctional landscapes – introduction of SIWI/SWH cluster group report (Anna Tengberg, SIWI/SWH)

14.20-14.40 Strengthening of water and landscape governance in the Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia (Dr. Kebede Kanchula, Rift Valley Lakes Basin Authority, Ethiopia)

14.40-15.00 Tree-water interactions at the farm level and implications at the landscape scale (Dr. Catherine Wangari Muthuri, ICRAF, Kenya)

15.00-15.25 Interactive Panel discussion facilitated by Focali, SIANI (Linda Hansson) and SIWI/SWH (Lotta Samuelson) with panelists from RVLBA, ICRAF, Swedish Forest Agency, SLU, DHI and Ecoloop

15.25-15.30 Closing of event (Lotta Samuelson, SIWI/SWH)

Read more about the event here.


Från 26 augusti 2018 vid 14:00 till 26 augusti 2018 vid 15:30


NL Music Hall (456)

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