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22 August 2024

Amplifying youth voices for climate justice

weADAPT has established a Youth and Intergenerational Climate Justice Theme, which aims to amplify young voices in addressing the climate crisis and to increase their participation in climate change initiatives.

This dedicated space showcases and supports young people’s climate adaptation work by featuring relevant content and providing  climate opportunities for young people, including job offers, fellowships, courses, and grants. Additionally, it offers valuable content such as guidelines for youth on climate adaptation and leadership, a climate justice handbook on mobilising climate justice through intergenerational equity and intersectionality, and a recording on the dynamic relationship between land tenure systems and climate resilience from the perspective of Indigenous Peoples, among other valuable resources.

It’s evident that young people don’t want to stand by as climate change jeopardises their future. They are becoming more vocal and conscious of the dangers posed by the climate crisis. Let’s ensure that their voices and ideas play a role in saving the planet. At SIANI, we celebrate the fact that weADAPT’s Youth and Intergenerational Climate Justice Theme actively supports these endeavours by amplifying their voices. Children and young people are often excluded from climate discussions, commitments, and policymaking, so weADAPT aims to safeguard their interests by facilitating their participation at all levels of climate change initiatives.