While COP15 is crowned with the title 'Paris Agreement for nature,' what are the concerns over its '30x30' target and its impacts on Indigenous peoples?
The Ashden Award for Energising Agriculture will reward trailblazers helping off-grid communities grow, store and process their crops. This award is open to entrepreneurs and innovators seeking...
Through different sessions and panel discussions, participants could learn more about the CBD, environmental governance and policy advocacy. There are also opportunities for youth to share how they fight for biodiversity in their own part of the world.
SIANI had the pleasure to interview Andrea Caputo Svensson, Global Health Advisor at ReAct - Action on Antibiotic Resistance to understand the complexity and challenges of addressing AMR in aquaculture.
Food production and food security issues will remain at the top of the agenda
Call for proposals on the ‘African Agriculture Climate Adaptation Research System’ responding to existing food security challenges in the face of climate change and is geared towards increasing productivity to meet consumption demands and to limit further agricultural land expansion into natural ecosystems.
Call to action on coalitions for food system transformation to help nations and regions to advance the Summit’s vision of more inclusive, resilient, equitable, and sustainable food systems by 2030.
Facing growing food insecurity in the world, the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA) and the Swedish FAO Committee hosted a seminar to discuss the challenges and opportunities to end hunger in all its forms by 2030 and to achieve food security.
Learn the reasons why orange-fleshed sweet potato is considered the single most successful example of biofortification of a staple crop, and presents a feasible option to address vitamin A deficiency.