SIANI vill uppmärksamma att år 2016 blivit utnämnt ”International Year of Pulses” av FNs livsmedels- och jordbruksorganisation (FAO). Syftet är att informera en bred allmänhet om baljväxternas nyttiga egenskaper och hur de kan bidra till en bättre värld.
NIRAS is again looking for talented and highly motivated graduates with relevant first working experiences and the passion for pursuing an international career within development consulting for NIRAS’ Young Professional Academy (NYPA). The NYPA is a fast-track on the job training and learning programme.
New paper by Stockholm Environment Institute reviews existing methods for assessing livestock water resource use, recognizing that water plays a vital role in global food supply and that livestock production systems consumes a large amount of the available water resources.
SIANI (Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative) is currently looking to gather expertise for further development of knowledge and cooperation strategies in order to increase food security and resource efficiency through food waste reduction in global food chains, with a particular focus on collaboration between developing and developed countries.
The 21st of March 2016 marks the International Day of Forests. Every year one day is especially allocated to highlight and celebrate the importance of trees in our landscape in a changing climate and the theme for this year is Forests and Water.
Growing world population drives the demand for food, feed and fiber. And since no country can produce all the products we now can buy in supermarkets, this demand is met through the export of agricultural commodities on the global market. Partly, the global demand is met through a rising productivity on the already established agricultural land.
Launched on the 17th of March 2016, the EAT Foundation has an ambition to reform the global food system under the vision of “healthy food from a healthy planet”. The initiative is co-funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Stordalen Foundation, who will each invest £3 million in EAT Foundation over the next 3 years.
Livestock Resources for Food Security in the Light of Climate Change
The seminar "Zero Hunger in a Changing Climate" was arranged by Sida in cooperation with the Swedish International Agriculture Network Initiative (SIANI) and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI).