Apart from attending the important sessions and side events, SIANI also organized a side event in collaboration with the Swedish Ministry of Rural Affairs and Sida. The side event aimed at showcasing the Sweden´s holistic approach to reducing food waste and losses across scales and along the value chain.
Focali researcher Torsten Krause recaps the main points of discussion from the Focali-LUCSUS (the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies) workshop on June 10 2014. FOCALI and LUCSUS held, in collaboration with SIANI, a one-day worksho
Deforestation in the Amazon has fallen dramatically, by about 77% between 2004 and 2011, enabling Brazil to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by more than a third in that period, while also preserving biodiversity and maintaining other vital ecosystem services.
e-Agriculture is organizing a forum within the framework of the International Year of Family Farming; this online event is organized by the e-Agriculture Community of Practice, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC).
Increasing productivity without compromising environmental sustainability is, perhaps, one of the greatest puzzles of agricultural development. Yet recent research reports provide evidence of stagnating crop yields and regionally variable crop yield patterns globally.
There is no doubt that energy is embedded in food production, food distribution and food preparation. Yet practitioners in the two sectors tend to work separately without taking into consideration the interdependences of the two development challenges.
I den sista rapporten av fyra presenterar Svenska Naturskyddsföreningen behovet av en grundläggande omställning av dagens jordbrukssystem till agroekologiska produktionsmetoder, och lyfter samtidigt fram positiva exempel på hur lantbruket kan utformas till att bidra till en hållbar utveckling och minskad fattigdom, hunger och miljömässig påfrestning.
I policy dokumentet Jordbruksutveckling för fattigdomsbekämpning och en hållbar utveckling presenteras Svenska Kyrkans internationella arbetes inställning till jordbruksutveckling och stöd, samt redogör för Svenska Kyrkans ställningstaganden till jordbrukets roll och hur jordbruket bidrar till fattigdomsbekämpning, livsmedelstrygghet och en socialt, ekologiskt och ekonomiskt hå
Within the agricultural development sector there are a growing amount of interventions specifically focused on strategies for scaling-up production processes. The concept of scaling-up has almost become a buzzword in many development projects.