Today, on the International Day of Forests, Focali and SIANI publish the brief “Forests and trees – essential for food security on a landscape level”.
The annual conference on Agricultural Research for Development will be held at SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala between the 25-26th of September 2013. This years topic will be "Agricultural Research for Sustainable Development Goals"
Between 17 and 19 January 2013 Global Forum for Food and Agriculture was held in Berlin. A key topic discussed during this forum was how to make sustainable investments in agriculture.
During November and December 2012, The SIANI Secretariat carried out a survey of all our members at the time (around 760 people) to try to find out what the members liked about the platform, which ways they would like to see it change, and what extra functions would the members like to see in the Second Phase (starting September 2013). We have collected these data and have produced an in
The Urban Agriculture Summit 2013
Why Sustainable Agricultural Practices?
Forests, trees on farms and agroforestry systems contribute to food security, nutrition and livelihoods in several ways, including as a direct source of food, fuel, employment and cash income.
Doktor Linley Chirwona-Karltun och hedersdoktor Inge Gerremo på Sveriges jordbruksuniversitet (SLU) ställer frågan hur en nyvald kvinnlig ordförande för Afrikanska unionen (AU) och den kvinnliga presidenten för Malawi skulle kunna göra en skillnad i kampen mot hunger och i främjandet av jämställdhet.
In 1992, China started a comprehensive research program into conservation agriculture (CA) and by 2009, China had adopted a national plan for CA and thereby seriously and deliberately taking steps in progressing conservation agriculture. By 2012 China was applying CA on more than 6 million hectares (approximately 5% of cultivated land in China) according to Li Hongw