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Slutdatum8 November 2024

Open internal call Shape the Future of Food: 4 MSEK for Postdoctoral Projects at KTH FOOD


This call invites innovative, multidisciplinary research proposals that engage at least three faculty members from different KTH Departments or Schools. With a total funding of 4 MSEK, we will provide up to 2 MSEK for employing one postdoctoral researcher over two years. We encourage collaboration with external stakeholders and co-funding opportunities to develop your proposals.

Key points:
  1. Project Collaboration – Each proposal must involve at least 3 researchers from the KTH FOOD Faculty, representing a minimum of 2 different KTH Departments and/or Schools. Clearly identify the main applicant and co-applicants in the application
  2. Funding:
    • Total budget for the postdoctoral program: 4 MSEK
    • KTH FOOD contribution: Each project can apply for a maximum of 2 MSEK (covering salary, LKP, and indirect costs for 1 postdoctoral researcher).
    • Project duration: 2-3 years
    • Co-funding and external collaborations are encouraged and will be viewed favourably
  • The postdoctoral researcher will dedicate approximately 10% of their time to joint research activities with KTH FOOD, funded from the project budget.
  • This project should serve as a catalyst for future joint research initiatives and center applications.
  • KTH FOOD reserves the right to not in case there are no eligible or high quality proposals
Evaluation of the proposals

An international scientific committee, including members of the KTH FOOD Scientific Advisory Board, will evaluate the proposals. The KTH FOOD steering group will make the final decision, considering both the evaluation criteria and how the project fits within the existing KTH FOOD project portfolio and research themes.

Proposals should clearly address each following criterion, demonstrating how the project will contribute to KTH FOOD’s goals and advance the field of sustainable and healthy food systems. KTH FOOD reserves the right not to fund in case there are no eligible proposals

Scientific quality

This includes the evaluation of the quality of the research project objectives, novelty and methodology, including its potential to develop future research within sustainable and healthy food systems.

  • Novelty and relevance to the state of the art
  • Clarity of research questions and methodology
  • Potential impact on the research area and future studies
Alignment with the mission and research themes of KTH FOOD
  • Relevance to KTH FOOD’s mission
  • Contribution to KTH FOOD’s research themes
Multidisciplinarity approach
    • Diversity of disciplines represented by the research team
    • Integration of different research perspectives
Stakeholder Engagement and Funding
  • Collaboration with internal and external partners
  • Secured co-funding or additional resources