Presented by Iana Perevoschikova, Ypard Russia, at the workshop "Youth, Agripreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals", on the 8th of May 2017.
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Coming into the project we believed, as many people do, that increased fish farming although not free of ecological impacts, relieved pressure from ocean fisheries. However, we soon came to learn that some aquaculture systems put even more pressure on wild fish stocks. This is greatly due to the high demand on carnivorous species such as tuna and salmon, that require large inputs of wild fish for feed.
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Droughts, heat, erratic rainfall and floods can leave cows, sheep and goats with little to graze on. Changing climate will affect production of feed for livestock too. Harsh and extreme weather conditions can also reduce reproductive ability and undermine health of animals.
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Vill du aktivera ungdomar och barn i eller nära naturen?Vill du skapa möten mellan människor inom jord- och skogsbruket eller trädgårdsnäringen?Vill du arrangera en aktivitet som skapar dialog och stärker de gröna näringarna i samhället?Svenska Lantbruksveckans fond, KSLA, främjar de gröna näringarnas ställning i samhället. Det sker genom bidra
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What influences consumers’ choice when it comes to organic food? And are they willing to pay premium for organic food?
Presentation held by Christina Furustam, Federation of Swedish Farmers, at the event: Low use of antimicrobials and healthy productive animals – a possible equation? At FAO Headquarters in Rome,...
Presentation by Professor Ulf Magnusson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences/ SLU Global at the event: Low use of antimicrobials and healthy productive animals – a possible equation? At...
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Agriculture is one of the main emitters of greenhouse gases globally. However, as sources differ from country to country, calculating emissions on a national level can be tricky. At the same time knowing the sources and the amount of the exhaust of the green house gases is a crucial step for formulating sound climate mitigation and adaptation policies.
This report was published by SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden and compiles work conducted in collaboration with the SIANI Expert Group on food waste preventions strategies for global...