This is the invitation to a panel debate about food waste, organised by the SIANI Expert Group on food waste prevention strategies for global supply chains. The full-day panel debate took place on...
This is the invention to a workshop organized by the SIANI Expert Group on food waste prevention strategies in global food chains. The full day workshop took place on the 22nd of April 2016.
This report summarizes the work of the Expert Group on food waste prevention strategies for global food chains. First, it outlines the background of the group, then highlights which activities...
News Story
Rapid population growth is by no means a food security challenge. At the same time, the fact that there might be 9 billion people in the world by 2050 is also an opportunity to create sustainable solutions for the food industry and develop new business models.
This report summarizes the panel discussion at the event "Bridging the gap between water, sanitation and food production for improved food and nutrition security" in August 2016.
This is the newsletter of the Expert Group on linkages between Water, Sanitation and Food Production for Food and Nutrition Security, sent in August 2016. The newsletter gives an overview of...
This report summarizes the activities and outputs of the Expert Group on linkages between water, sanitation and food production for food and nutrition security. It highlights synergies and...
This is the final report of the Expert Group "Commercializing Agricultural Sector in Kenya: Wake the Kenyan Giant!". The report introduces the context of SIANI, the Kenyan framework 'Agricultural...
Blog Post
År 2016 var det internationella året för baljväxter. Syftet var att öka allmänhetens medvetenhet om fördelarna med baljväxter för en hållbar livsmedelsproduktion och tryggad livsmedelssäkerhet.