Isabel Vogel (independent consultant) about the assumptions and ideas about change and how it can come to fruition
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Energy access is a tricky puzzle for the African continent. 70% of the population in sub Saharan Africa relies on biomass for energy. It means that most of the population burns firewood, charcoal, agricultural residues and animal dung for cooking food and for getting done with other day-to-day routines.
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With 19 participants, an introductory worskhop on Theory of Change for Agricultural Development took place at SLU, Uppsala on April 26, 2016. The event was organized by the SIANI-SLU Global theme on Sustainable Agricultural Production and Food Security.
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A study by Benjamin Warner and Christopher Kuzdas, University of Massachusets recently published in the Climate and Development Journal looked into what happens in the Costa Rican agro-industrial before the dry season.
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On the 22nd of April, the SIANI expert group on “Food Waste Prevention Strategies for Global Food Chains” arranged a workshop to discuss good examples and possible solutions to reduce food waste on a global scale with a whole value chain perspective in mind.
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Trots att det täcker så stor del av jordens yta är vatten en begränsad resurs eftersom i princip allt sötvatten är uppbundet i polarisar och glaciärer eller lagrat under jord i form av grundvatten. Karin Glaumann, programansvarig vid SIWI, inledde seminariet med att ge en bakgrund för vattenproblematiken och den brist som förväntas uppstå i klimatförändringarnas spår.
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SIANI vill uppmärksamma att år 2016 blivit utnämnt ”International Year of Pulses” av FNs livsmedels- och jordbruksorganisation (FAO). Syftet är att informera en bred allmänhet om baljväxternas nyttiga egenskaper och hur de kan bidra till en bättre värld.
Representatives from the African Women Agribusiness Network on their vision and the social impact of their activities for smallholder female farmers in Africa
Katja Freiwald (Unilever Global Partnerships Director) on improved food and nutrition security for tea farming families