News Story
A rising world population requires increased food production. The achievements of Green Revolution have dramatically reduced hunger in certain parts of the World. However, these methods have most reached the limit of further intensification.
Every day we use valuable natural resources and environmental services completely out of charge and without thinking about it. Generally speaking, the business community and society depend on the...
Every day we use valuable natural resources and environmental services completely out of charge and without thinking about it. Generally speaking, the business community and society depend on the...
News Story
Preliminary program: Presentation Pavan Sukhdev, 30 min. Panel discussion, 60min. Questions from the public, 30 min. Moderator: Johan Kuylenstierna, SEI Panelists:
News Story
This event will be streamed live here between 10.00 and 12.00 (UTC+1) on the 26th November. Questions for speakers during to seminar can be emailed here. Tweet using the hashtag #pay2nature. In...
News Story
Global forecast for 2050 is a continued growing, increasingly urbanized and more affluent population, which, most likely, will demand both more food and more water intensive food. As a result, the pressure on already stressed water resources for food production will increase further.
Blog Post
In recent years, farmers have been placed under a growing pressure from markets and government to improve business competitiveness and simultaneously reduce the environmental impacts of farming.
Sara Jervfors Sara berättade om hur kommunen sedan 2006 har arbetat med en kost policy för skolmat där inte bara kost- och nutritionskunskaper ingår, utan även pedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete...
Fick man följa Hamburgerkedjan Max medvetna val för att både bidra till att höja kvalitén på sina produkter och arbeta för ett uthålligt samhälle . Max har en lång tradition och en hög...