Presented at the Agri4D 2013 conference at the session on Transforming Gender Roles in Agriculture: - Ways Forward
Presented at the Agri4D 2013 conference at the session on Transforming Gender Roles in Agriculture: - Ways Forward
A food system is made up of the environment, people, institutions and processes by which food is produced, processed and brought to consumers. With millions of people around the world still...
Presented at the Agri4D 2013 conference at the session on Transforming Gender Roles in Agriculture: - Ways Forward
Presented at the Agri4D 2013 conference at the session on Transforming Gender Roles in Agriculture: - Ways ForwardRead the book "Transforming Gender Relations in Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa"...
Presented at the Agri4D 2013 conference at the session on Transforming Gender Roles in Agriculture: - Ways Forward
News Story
A gender lens was applied to a wide range of agricultural research topics in one of the parallel sessions on Thursday morning (Sep 26th). As is often the case at the gender related discussions, a female dominated audience filled the room and speakers and facilitator were all women. However, as the session commenced about a quarter of seats were occupied by men.
News Story
16th of October is the World Food Day. First celebrated in 1979, it is also the anniversary of FAO's founding. The theme of the day is announced at the beginning of each year by the FAO, this initiative is meant to facilitate better understanding of the problems and solutions to ending hunger.
Presented at the Agri4D 2013 conference at the session on Pre/Post-harvest Losses – Including Post-harvest Handling and Storage.