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In a recent debate article published in the Swedish local newspaper, Uppsala Nya Tidning, Professor Kjell Havnevik of the Nordic Africa Institute, questions the reporting of economic growth in Africa.
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In the last three years SIANI has been participating and contributing to Tällberg Forums’ dialogues on Global Change.
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In the last three years SIANI has contributed to the organization of seminars and learning sessions on the topic of Food Security and the Food System at Tällberg Forum. This year SIANI is working in coordination with ‘The Knowledge Systems for Sustainability Collaborative’, an international network of partners across academia, Government and busi
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The 2013 Thought For Food Challenge calls on students from universities around the world to form teams and produce a robust project proposal – consisting of a business plan and creative pitch – that presents an unexpected and out-of-the-box solution to the global challenge of feeding 9 billion people by 2050.
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The African Development Bank has launched a ten year strategy to further the ongoing transformation of the African continent, where focus lies in two objectives: inclusive growth and transition to green growth. The continent has had a strong growth over the last decade, however it has been an uneven development and not including all citizens, hence why the first objective is very crucial.
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Both mining and agriculture are vital for the economic growth of the country. However, in situations, when rich ore reserves are situated underneath fertile soils, decision makers have to choose between a fast economy boost vs. long-term development.
Blog Post
Exploring the possibility of measuring the Adaptive Capacity of cooperatives and their farmers to the Impacts of Climate Change in Eastern Africa
News Story
Integrering av forskningsdata och forskningsmetoder från de olika vetenskapsfälten soil science och nationalekonomi kan bättre förklara tropisk jordbruksproduktion än traditionell forskning inom dessa discipliner, där viktiga variabler utanför det egna ämnesområdet ofta väljs bort.
Cecilia Lalander, Stefan Diener, Maria Elisa Magri, Christian Zurbrügg, Anders Lindström and Björn Vinnerås from Uppsala University and Eawag: (Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and...