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Between 17 and 19 January 2013 Global Forum for Food and Agriculture was held in Berlin. A key topic discussed during this forum was how to make sustainable investments in agriculture.
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In 1992, China started a comprehensive research program into conservation agriculture (CA) and by 2009, China had adopted a national plan for CA and thereby seriously and deliberately taking steps in progressing conservation agriculture. By 2012 China was applying CA on more than 6 million hectares (approximately 5% of cultivated land in China) according to Li
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In 1992, China started a comprehensive research program into conservation agriculture (CA) and by 2009, China had adopted a national plan for CA and thereby seriously and deliberately taking steps in progressing conservation agriculture. By 2012 China was applying CA on more than 6 million hectares (approximately 5% of cultivated land in China) according to Li Hongw
The fourth report by the Commitee on World Food Security's (CFS) High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE) is now released, where it emphasizes on ways to lessen vulnerability through social and...
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In October 2011 the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) requested its High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) to conduct a study on smallholder investments, and in particular, to assess: “a comparative study of constraints to smallholder investment in agriculture in different contexts with policy options for addressing these constraints, taking into cons
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The Powering Agricultural Energy Grand Challenge seeks proposals for clean energy technologies projects. We are writing to let you know of this opportunity, and to encourage you to look into it.
Seminar on Landscapes in a Carbon Focused World 26 October 2012SIANI, Focali & Naturskyddsföreningen organized a one-day seminar in Gothenburg.Summary: Grassland for silage, hay and pasture has...
I detta nummer av Föreningen för Utvecklingsfrågor behandlas dessa ämnen:Urban odlingEU:s jordbrukspolitik får konsekvenser i Sverige och världenVatten- framtidens försäkring
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The subject of transnational land acquisitions, infamously referred to as land grabbing, has increasingly become an important policy concern in Africa as acquisitions have grown in scale and number. Is this another case of corrupt African leaders selling their citizens short or simply governments pursuing an economic development opportunity?